
Γυναίκα / 30 χρόνια / Τοξότης

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Για εμένα

Seems like if you do not advertise your personal life, Curious people...

Μου αρέσει

Today it is important to have ideals, to look simple, but expensive, live modestly, but with taste, appreciate the quality and comfort, despise boasting and condemn overconsumption, to love, and not just a sex, read more or less hang out. Sometimes a day is more expensive than the year. Sometimes, the year is not worth a day.


Today it is important to have ideals, to look simple, but expensive, live modestly, but with taste, appreciate the quality and comfort, despise boasting and condemn overconsumption, to love, and not just a sex, read more or less hang out. Someti

Today it is important to have ideals, to look simple, but expensive, live modestly, but with taste, appreciate the quality and comfort, despise boasting and condemn overconsumption, to love, and not just a sex, read more or less hang out. Sometimes a day

Δεν μου αρέσει

Contribute into her a lot of creative ...)))))

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